Monday, March 30, 2009

Bath Tub fun....

Brooke got some bath toys for Christmas that we didnt open till we moved and she has finally been getting a chance to enjoy them. She makes her turtle surf and loves the animals in her tug boat. She hasnt figured out how to get the water in her squirt toys yet but she will get there.

Sick and Tired....

Well Brooke was sick last weekend with a stomach bug and has a cough this week and I came down with something over the weekend and am hoping that it doesnt turn into pnemonia. We are hoping that we are well this weekend to attend the Cherry Blossom Festivile.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Easter Bunny

Well I took Brooke to the mall on Friday for her 1 year pictures at JCP and while we were at the mall I realized that it was the 1st day for the Easter Bunny to be there. Since Brooke was only a few days old last Easter we didnt get her picture with the Easter Bunny and sincewe drove 30 minutes to get there I decided we would get the pictures with him. While all the other kids were crying Brooke walked right up to him and said Hi Bunny. I was such a proud Mom.

The Circus

Well this past Thursday we took Brooke to the Circus and she loved it. She danced, clapped and couldnt take her eyes off everything. It was a good 2 1/2 hour show and we all enjoyed are selfs. It was a nice first thing in town for us to do as a family.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Brooke and I checked out a St. Patrick's Day party today for the children and she had fun meeting kids her age. It was nice to take a break and get out of the house. Thought you guys would enjoy seeing her cute outfit.

Sunday Afternoon

Well we had a nice Sunday. We tried a new church and liked it, we are going to try it again this weekend. Jason put together Brooke's toys from her birthday since he has his tools now and she really loved them. It was nice for us to take a break from unpacking.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Visit with Aunt Cory and Family

So we took a break from unpacking and Aunt Cory, Uncle Joe and Lucy came down for a visit. The girls played while the boys took the tv to best buy for it to be fixed. The good news is it can be fixed and the bad news is its going to take 3 weeks. I cant believe Jason did that. When they got back we went to Don Pablos and had some great Mexican food. Then we came back and played some more. We are happy that the lived so close and look forward to seeing them again. Just wish that it hadnt been raining.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Well we had a nice day and decided to do some sightseeing. There were a few sprinkles but other than that we had a great day. We were tired later from all the walking and a long day. I will have to say that when I was younger the White House seemed a lot bigger.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Brooke's 1st Birthday

After everything we went thru to have our beautiful Brooke Madison last year it's hard to believe that she is now 1 year old. It's amazing how time flies. She is a wonderful little girl and the joy in our lives. We feel very blessed my God to have such an amazing little girl. I hope you all enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New House

Here are some pictures of the new house before our stuff has arrived.

Brooke got tired

I just had to share this because I thought it was so cute. Brooke was eating her snack and got very tired. So tired she started snoring like her Daddy.

Brooke got tired

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Big Storm

We Sunday they started with the talk of a big Noreaster. Having lived in New England for some time I am one of those people that has to see it to believe it. It started with flurries Sunday afternoon and early evening started sticking. When we woke up in the morning it was a winter woinderland. We all got bundled up and went to pick the keys up to our new home. It was nice to see the snow but it also brought colder weather.

A nice Sunday

We had a nice day and check out a potential church. We went to the Old Country Buffet after and then enjoyed some quite time back in the room. Brooke and I had a nice nap while Jason watched the race.

Welcome to Washington DC

Well when we got to DC we got Brooke her new car seat and she loves facing forward. She had fun exploring the exchange with us and visiting the fire department for a safety briefing. Pictures of the new house to come soon.

Going Away Party

We had a wonderful send off from our GTMO church family and will miss you all. We look forward to seeing you in the future.