Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Afternoon

Here are some picture of Brooke with her new shoes and at a Children's Birthday party that we went to today.

Rocking Horse

Here is Brooke's latest toy on the day that she got it and she loves it.

Fun Day Downtown

Well Friday Brooke and I decided to go downtown which is 10 minutes from our house and hang out by the Jefferson Memorial. Here are some pictures, enjoy.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

We went to a BBQ today down the street and had fun until the rain started. Hope you all had a great Memorial Day. Remember that today we should honor our Veterans. Also we should remember those who have served, are serving and their families but remember that we should do this today and all of the other 364 days of the year. God Bless you all.

More Mother's Day Pictures

I found these pictures on the computer and had meant to put them up. Jason and Brooke took me to Red Lobster for Mother's Day and we took these pictures there. Brooke is very into Peek A Boo, and giving hugs and kisses right now. Hope you enjoy.

The drive back to DC

Here are some pictures from our drive back to DC. Brooke was entertaining me. You will see what I mean.

Random Trip Pictures

These are just some pictures that are random from our trip to Rhode Island.

Trip to Boston

The day before we left Rhode Island we went up to Boston to enjoy the city. One of our favorite places to go. Little did we know it would be 93 degrees that day. We ended up not staying long and stopped at Ikea on the way home. We love Ikea. I only wished I had more room so that I could fit more stuff in my car to bring home but will be going to the one close to me this week. Here are some pictures in Boston. I didnt take that many.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

More Zoo pictures

Roger Williams Zoo

Tuesday while we were in Rhode Island we had a great day weather wise so we decided to take Brooke to the zoo and inside they have a butterfly place to go see them and the land right on you. Not thinking about it I dressed Brooke in Red which they are attracted to and she was fine until he moved onto her face and she freaked out. She recovered and enjoyed all the animals and we had a nice relaxing day. Hope you enjoy.

Jessie's Graduation

Brooke and I we lucky enough to be back in the states and were able to attend my sister Jessie's college graduation at Salve Regina in Newport Rhode Island. It was a very cold and rainy day but we were very proud of her. She got a Bachelors degree in Philosophy and will be going on to graduate school to study international relations. She has put in a lot of hard work and we know she will have a bright and successful future. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.