Sunday, July 26, 2009

Like Mother, Like Daughter

We often get told that Brooke looks like Jason but more recently have been getting told that she looks like me. When I look at my baby pictures I think she looks just like me minus she doesn't have the blonde hair. Here are some pictures so you can see what you think. Many of you know that my Dad is a Marine and as a kid I loved playing with his uniforms and Brooke loves doing the same thing with Jason's. Hope you enjoy. I couldnt get the picture of me any bigger but if you click on it, it will enlarge.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

VBS meeting

Yesterday evening I had a Vacation Bible School meeting and since Jason had softball games Brooke had to go with me. Since it was a little colder and raining I decided to put her in her new tennis shoes. At first she didn't know what to think but kept pointing at them and saying "ooh" which I guess means she likes them. If you ask her where her shoes are she always bends down and points at them. It's very cute.

My Buddy, My Buddy, My Buddy and Me

As Brooke grows she learns more and more words. Sometimes we don't know where she got them and sometimes we don't understand what she is saying because its jiberish but we know it makes sense to her. Brooke has a lot of TY stuffed animals which are my favorite for kids because they can go in the wash machine and dryer. She always sleeps with one and always takes one with her when we go places. We always let her pick which one she wants because she has so many different animals. She usually goes for the monkey or the bear because those are her favorite animals. She carries them around, hugs them, kisses them and makes us kiss them. I have always told her to go get her "buddy", well over the past few days she started saying " buddy" and grabbing them and hold them today. We thought it was the cutest thing. This morning she had a yellow elephant and I got some pictures of her with him.

New Shoes.......

Along with Brooke moving into new clothes and out of older ones we also realized that she had outgrown her shoes that her Grandma got her for her birthday in March. So we went and got her a pair of tennis shoes and while at the thrift store on Saturday we found a pair of while dress shoes that looked brand new and we got them for 50 cents. I decided to get Brooke used to them she would wear them to church on Sunday. It's hard to believe that in 4 months she went from a 3 1/2 to a 4 1/2 shoe. I hope this doesn't mean she will take after her mother and have big feet.

New Pj's

Since Brooke has been growing and getting taller this past weekend I but away all her clothes that were to small and brought out her clothes that are bigger I had stored away. It was a good project because I was able to see what we need to get her for the fall and winter. While I was doing this I found the Pj's that were given to her for her birthday by our good friend Connie. I think they are so cute. They are a little big but that's okay. We have been calling her our little strawberry since she started wearing them.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Brooke and I were just hanging out with morning. After a while we had to get moving and headed to swim lessons, the food store and the Navy Thrift store. I took a few pictures of her in her cherry dress and though I would share them.

Friday Morning

Before heading over to the Airman's Attic in the afternoon Brooke decided to help me clean my room. She was handing me things that I needed to put away. I have recently started noticing that I think she is going to be right handed because she does everything with her right hand. As you can see in the picture she is holding the pen in her right hand. After we got home from the Airman's Attic she was so tired that she passed out and I was able to get a picture without waking her up.

Yard Work with Daddy

This past Tuesday was Jason's last day off before going back to work and he wanted to finish up some yard work. Brooke really wanted to go outside with him. So we put her hat and sunscreen on and he decided that she could sit in her push car and that she would enjoy it. I got some pictures before she came in and I think they speak for themselves.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

RIP Oma Marx

It is a very sad day for our family because Jason's Great Grandmother passed away this morning. She was 95 years old and we are going to truly miss her. We wanted to thank all of our friends for keeping her in your prayers. We know that she is in a better place and though we will miss her we look forward to seeing her someday again in Heaven. Take care and God Bless.

Getting ready for VBS meeting

I took these pictures last night when we were getting ready for a Vacation Bible School meeting. Brooke likes to show me her teeth and help fix here hair. I thought that it was very cute.

Playing Ball with Daddy

Monday Jason was off and I got these pictures of them playing with Brooke's ball. Jason was trying keep away and she wasnt liking that to much so when she did get her hands on the ball she wasnt letting go.

So Proud......

Brooke now has 4 teeth and is getting 2 more. She is so proud to show you when you ask. I got these pictures the other morning when she was playing with her bath toys and I asked her to show me her teeth.

Monkey See Monkey Do.....

Some of you may or may not know that Brooke loves monkeys. She come home with a stuffed one everytime she sees one, makes the monkey noise when asked to or when she sees one and loves them at the zoo. We got this monkey at a garage sale a few weeks ago and she carries him everywhere and was having a good time with him the other morning. Brooke also loves to climb so we have always called her our monkey so its fitting that she would like them.