Friday, August 21, 2009

Big News

Jason and I are happy to share that Brooke will be getting a sibling in early April of 2010. So far everything is good. I got to hear the strong heartbeat at my appointment today. For those of you who know this has been a long hard road for us and we feel blessed that things are going smoothly this time. We ask that you pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Here are our first ultrasound pictures.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grandma's Visit

Well my Mom came up for her birthday on Saturday and stayed till Wednesday. It was so nice to see her and Brooke enjoyed her time with her to. We did a few fun things and just enjoyed our time together. The time always seems to go by to quick.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well I haven't been on since last week because last week was a busy week. I was teaching 4 and 5 year olds at Vacation Bible School. We had a great week and had a lot of fun. Tuesday night I spent in the ER but everything is okay. We are happy to announce that this morning at 2:28 am our nephew Evan Philip Kies was born to my brother in law Kevin and his wife Debbie. He was 7 lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long. He was only 6 days early so we thank all of you who have been praying for that situation. God provided us with some answered prayers. Hope that you are all doing well and I will add some pictures soon.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

All dressed up and somewhere to go...

I got a few pictures of Brooke in her strawberry dress before church. We love going to Jason's church back home and seeing all the people who have known him forever and they are always happy to see the baby.

Dancing Girl

I was able to get a few pictures of Brooke dancing. I have some video but need to figure out how to get it on here. Brooke loves to dance to music, commercial, and really everything that has music.

Brooke and Uncle Kevin time

While there we got to spend a lot of time with Jason's brother Kevin and his wife Debbie who is due to have a baby August 22nd. Brooke had a lot of fun with Uncle Kevin and he even got practice changing diapers.

Party Day

While in town we had a join birthday party and a day to remember Jason's great grandmother who passed away a few weeks ago. It was nice to spend a day with family and friends since we dont get to very often. We had great food and weather.

The Detroit Zoo

Well while on vacation in Michgan we went to the Detroit Zoo which has gone down hill but we had a nice time with family. There arent many animals left but the weather was nice and at Brooke's age she is happy just to see a few animals.