Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Well this was Brooke's 2nd Halloween but her 1st year trick or treating. She was dressed as an elephant which is what she picked out at the store. Jason was able to get the day off so that he could take her and I handed out candy. Then I took her for a little while and came home. I don't think she completely knew what was going on but had fun. It was raining on and off all day but not to much while they were out and they got home just in time because then the rain really started. We had about 75 kids come to the house. I am sure next year she will really understand what's going on. Here are some of the pictures that I took tonight and at the Harvest Fest on Friday night/

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pretty Girl

Out and About

Here are some random pictures I took while on my trip.

Hiding in a tree

While at the park there was a tree with a hole in and Brooke was playing in it.

Fun at the Playground

While in Rhode Island my Mom and I took Brooke to the playground down the road from my Mom's house. Brooke had a lot of fun and loved seeing all the dogs.

Pumpkin Patch

While in Rhode Island I took Brooke to Sweet Berry Farms and took some pictures of her with the pumpkins. She really enjoyed it. I took some pictures of her doing stuff around the farm.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's a girl.............

While on vacation in Rhode Island I had some ultrasound pictures taken and the found out the sex of the baby. I had them seal them and didn't open them till I got home last night so that Jason and I could open them together. We are having another girl and her name will be Peyton Elizabeth. I will put up some of the ultrasound pictures and some pictures from my trip in the next few days.

Monday, October 19, 2009

15 weeks down and 25 to go

I had a doctors appointment today and it went very well. The fetal heart rate was 141 which is good. The doctor said so far everything is going smoothly. They are keeping an eye on me because I haven't gained any weight yet just lost a few pounds. So we will just monitor that. I go back on the 17th of November for a check up and a fetal anatomy scan so we are hoping at that time to find out the baby's genfer. Any preditions? I would love to hear what you guys think we are going to have.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Brooke update

We thought we would give you an update on Brooke. She is getting her back teeth on the top, three on each side. She is growing tall like a week and is getting used to winter clothes. We have been potty training for six weeks and she is doing well. We are hoping she is fully potty trained by her birthday in March but we will see. She is learning new words everyday and is still a happy and healthy little girl.

Brooke and her Baby

Now that Brooke knows that she is going to have a sibling she rubs my belly and says baby and kisses my tummy. It is very sweet. She also loves carrying her baby around and it sure to tell us that it's "mine". It's very cute and she takes very good care of it.

Anniversary Date

On Thursday we went out to celebrate our anniversary which was the night before. The weather was cold and raining but we went anyways. Unfortunately the food wasnt very good but we enjoyed our time together.


Everyday we read lots and lots of books to Brooke. She is are very own bookworm which is a good thing. Now she loves to read her books in our bed before she goes to bed which is fine.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is a good day for us. Three years ago today on a nice Fall day I married the love of my life. It hasn't always been easy but we grow more and more in love with each other and our growing family everyday. We look forward for what the future has in store for us and know that everything is possible with God.

Monday, October 12, 2009

More pictures

Family Day

We had a nice family day yesterday because Jason was able to go to church with us for the first time since April. The weather was nice and when we got home me took some pictures outside that I wanted to share.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brooke the book worm

On Sunday night we went to E couples Bible Study at our church and while we were getting ready Brooke was reading her book. She loves the books series Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see? There are 3 books in the series and she has them all. She asks for her book and then say "read it". I am so happy that she has a love of reading and having us read to her. It's so important for children.

So pretty

Brooke loves getting dressed up for Church. This Sunday we had an early service because they had a joint service to celebrate Chapel 2 Anniversary of 155 years. It was a very nice service and we enjoyed being a part of this celebration.