Thursday, November 19, 2009

19 week Ultrasound...........

On Tuesday I had my 19 week Ultrasound and fetal anatomy scan. They confirmed that it's a girl and she looks healthy. Right now she is weighing in at 11 oz. Here are the ultrasound pitures we got.

Norfolk Trip

We made a quick trip down and back from Norfolk on Tuesday. We had to pick some stuff up from a friend. While there before we met up with our friend we were able to grab a bite to eat with my Dad. Wish we had been able to stay longer but it's always nice to get to visit people. Here are some pictures that we took.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Veteran's Day

I took these pictures on Veteran's Day and just got around to uploading them. We went to Applebee's for Jason's free meal and couldn't believe how long the line was but we only waited 45 minutes and Jason enjoyed his meal and that's all that matters. We are so thankful for the Veteran's who have served our country, also the Veteran's in both our families and our friends and family who are currently serving our country. Thank you for all that you do and may God Bless you always.

New shoes

Brooke has been growing like a weed and now wears a size 5 shoe. Last weekend we discovered that she had outgrown her black dress shoes that she uses for church. It just so happened that when I was at the thrift store this week they had some in her size that were in good condition. I brought them home and they fit her perfectly. She wore them today for the first time and along with them a dress I had gotten their a few months back. She loved the new shoes.

Daddy's work clothes

Now that Jason is working in the afternoons he lays his work clothes on the bed and Brooke loves to play around with them and put them on. She does it all by herself and the other day I got these pictures of her wearing his shirt.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Leaves, Leaves everywhere

If you hadn't already noticed fall color changing of the leaves is one of my favorite things that happens this time of year and I am just happy that we don't have any leaves that we have to pick up. I took some pictures of the trees by my housing office. They aren't the best but are still pretty.

Rainy and Cold

Well we have been getting rain all day everyday since Tuesday and we are suppost to have it till this upcoming Monday. Luckily it hasn't been to cold or it would be snow and we are very thankful that it hasn't. It has been hard for Jason because he has had to stand outside and work in it. Luckily besides running out places here and there Brooke and I have been able to stay in. Here are some pictures we took last Sunday.

Friday, November 6, 2009

One of God's Beauties

Last evening Brooke and I went and cooked dinner at Andrew's Joint Base for some young airman with some church people. While there is rained and then there was a beautiful rainbow that I was able to get some pictures of. I hope that you enjoy.

Great Website

Monday, November 2, 2009

16 week Ultrasound

Here are our 16 week ultrasound picture we got when we found out that we are having another girl. We feel truly blessed for this littel girl and can't wait to meet Peyton Elizabeth and have her join our family.