Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

This year seems to have just flown by for us. We welcomed Peyton into our family and are very blessed because of it. Brooke is doing well and its hard to believe she will be 3 in March. She is smart, sweet and loving. She weights 27 pounds and is 39 inches tall. Brooke loves Dora and she's very popular in our house. Peyton is almost 9 months and weights 16 pounds and is 29 inches. She is almost crawling and sits up well by herself. I keep myself busy with the being a stay at home Mom, running the nursery and praise band at the church and running MOPS. Jason is getting ready to start his transition out of the Navy and it looks like he will be getting a job in the Maryland area. We look forward to what 2011 has in store for us and wish all our family and friends a Happy New Year.

Christmas Day

While Jason was working we were invited to a friends for dinner. We stopped by and we enjoyed spending time with friends since we dont live near family.

Happy Birthday Jesus

Brooke and I made a birthday cake got Jesus and sang to him. Brooke really enjoyed this and its a tradition that we will do every year. It was passed on from a friend.

Christmas Morning

Jason didnt work till later so he was able to open presents with the girls and I. Then we had a Christmas lunch before he went to work. We took a lot of pictures but I will only put up a few.

Christmas Eve

Here are some pictures that we took Christmas Eve before and during church. We attended two services and I sang at both. Jason was working so was unable to go. Peyton wore the dress that Brooke wore her first Christmas so that was really special.

Christmas Party

Here are some pictures I took at our Chaplins annual Christmas party.

Train pictures

Here are pictures of Brooke on the train. She had so much fun.

Gaylord Center

We went one morning before Jason had to be at work to the Gaylord Convention Center. It was nicely decorated and Brooke got to ride a train which she loved.

National Trees

The girls and I went downtown again this year with some friends and looked at the National and state trees. I got some pictures but we werent there too long because Brooke got sick.