Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Snow

All I can say is that I am ready for spring. A time where I can wear my happy clothes and not have to worry about coats, gloves and all that other stuff. We got 6 more inches of snow yesterday. I cant really complain because it could have been worse but I am ready for the cold weather to be gone.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Heart Queen

Brooke picked out her clothes for church last Sunday. She is wanting to do that more and more. She picked her heart dress and insisted on wearing her pink boots but at least they lasted. As you can see her ear was still bothering her but shes doing a lot better now.

Hospital Tour

We took these pictures yesterday and we were on our way to the hospital tour at Southern Maryland where I will have the baby. Children arent allowed in the hospital till after the H1N1 ban is lifted. From what they told us thats going on everywhere. Hopefully it will be lifted before I have the baby. But Brooke had a good time at a friends house while we were there and enjoyed Oscar their little dog.

Drummer Girl

Brooke loves all types of music and this past Wednesday as I was getting dinner ready for Brooke and Jason before heading out to Praise Band Practice Brooke brought her drum into the kitchen and was playing it and then was playing hide and seek under our table. That is her new favorite game.

Beautiful Sunset

Jason has been in class all week and will be next week. This past Wednesday he came home and had me come take pictures of the beautiful sunset. They were to pretty not to share.

29 weeks and counting.............

Well as of Thursday I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetis. I will meet with the Nurticianist next week to see if I need to be on medication but I will not have to do insulin shots. They arent quite sure how I developed it because my diet is good and I have only gained 7 pounds. The baby is still small so they are pretty sure I wont need a csection. I will have to prick my finger 4 times a day until the baby is born to check my levels. We are just praying for continued good health for me and the baby. Thank you all for your prayers.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Superbowl 44 here we come

Nothing makes me happier than the Colts going to the Superbowl. It was a long hard year but we are on our way to Superbowl 44. It should be a great game and I cant wait to watch it. Hopefully we will have a repeat of 3 years ago.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's an ear thing

All week Brooke had been a little warm but didn't have a fever. Yesterday afternoon she got really sick and by last night her temperature was up to 103.1 so we took her to the ER. Turns out she has an ear infection in her right ear. They gave her some medicine and her temperature has come down and she is starting to feel better. This is her first time having one but I am sure not her last. It's hard when they are young and can't tell you what hurts. We are just thankful it wasn't anything serious and that she's starting to get back to her happy self. I took these pictures of her laying on our bed and anyone who knows her from looking at them would be able to tell she is sick.

All dressed up

While Jason's parents were here last week for a few days they took us to McCormick and Schmit over at National Harbor. It was a very nice resturant and we all had a nice meal.


Brooke loves walking in our shoes now. We took these pictures of her walking in slippers. She does quite a good job.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

I got these cute pictures of Brooke sleeping with her monkey and cup last week and had to share them. She won't to to bed without a stuffed animal which is fine but it seems she has to take one or more everywhere which I find cute.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brooke and Daddy

Last Sunday after church we picked up some food for lunch and ate it before Jason had to go to work. The funny thing is that everytime we get food Brooke comes and sits in our lap so that she can eat to. I got these pictures of her doing it with Jason.

28 weeks and counting

I went today to redo my fetal anatomy scan to check my placenta and thankfully it has moved so I will not have to have a csection. Our prayers we answered and thank you for those who were praying for us. Peyton looked very good and is weighting in at 2lbs 6oz which they say is low and her heart rate was 163. They also say that she has very long legs which isnt suprising since Brooke does to. Here are the ultrasound pictures that we got today.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Visit from Grandma

My Mom came for a visit for a few days on Jan 1st. It was good to see her. It wasn't a long visit but we did have fun. We went to the Terra Cotta Warrior exhibit at the National Geographic Museum and that was pretty cool. It's amazing how preserved they are after all these years. The weather was quite cold and windy while she was here but that's how it has been lately. Here are a few pictures I took at the exhibit and Brooke enjoying watching football with Grandma and Me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

We had a quiet New Years Eve. Jason worked till 10:30 pm. So Brooke and I hung out, relaxed and watched tv. The truth is I like to stay in on New Years Eve. We look forward to watch this year has to bring for us. We look forward to continuing to watch Brooke grow, welcoming our new daughter in April and seeing what else is in store for us this year. We hope that all our family and friends have a Happy and Blessed 2010.