Friday, February 26, 2010

Pregnancy Update

I am now on medication for the gestational diabetis. I take half a pill at night and it seems to be controlling my sugar levels which is good. I now have to go to the ATU twice a week to be hooked up to a fetal monitor. They are monitoring the baby's heart rate, contractions, my blood pressure and the fluid around the baby. She seems to be doing well so far. They will induce me at 39 weeks if I havent had her before or there are no problems to where they want to do it before. That gives us about 5 weeks from Sunday to get everything ready for Peyton's arrival and we can't wait to meet her and hold her in our arms. Please pray for continued health for both of us.

Brooke Update

Brooke is going well with the potty training, talking up a storm, she loves singing now( she gets that from her mommy), cant say the ABC's, count to 10 and with help spell her name. Hard to believe she will be 2 years old in less than two weeks. Where did the time go. She is such a happy girl and loves people. She loves playing with her dolls, animals and cars ( she gets that from here daddy). She is at the stage where she wants to do everything for herself and loves to help up do stuff. Here are some recent pictures of her.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby Shower

This past Saturday we had a baby shower and it was very nice. We all had a great time and it was nice to spend time with other women and Mom's. Thank you to everyone who came and the generous gifts that we got.

My Birthday

Despite being sick on my birthday. I rested all day so that I could go to a nice dinner with my Husband. He worked Valentine's Day so we were kind of celebrating both.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

National Harbor

We went over to National Harbor on Monday and ate and did a little shopping. We also went to see the man in the sand expect right now he's the man in the snow.

Happy Valentine's Day

We were lucky and got to have my Mom here for Valentine's Day. She came up to celebrate my birthday. We had a very nice visit. Here are some pictures we took before and after church.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

More pics

Playing in the snow

Since the wind has died down and it's not snowing it was time to go get some fresh air. We loved it and it was so nice. Brooke had so much fun.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzard # 2 2010

Well the snow started again yesterday at 4pm and stopped at about 11pm. It picked up again sometime before we woke up this morning and we woke up to a complete white out. It's very windy. I am hoping that once it stops today that they can start getting things cleared so that things can start opening again and we can all get out of the house. I missed quite a few important appointments that I need to get rescheduled asap. Here are some pictures that I took.

After Blizzard 1

Here are some pictures I took on Bolling Air Force Base yesterday before the snow started again. We needed to get a few things. The commissary was insane.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Well I would like to say that it's a winter wonderland and we are loving it but that wouldn't be a true statement. We are on Day 4 of being stuck in the house and they are prediciting 10-20 more inches starting tomorrow. We had a bunch of appointments this week but it looks like they will all have to be rescheduled. Here are some more pictures like I promised. We still can't make it to our front door and the snow is really not melting and I think it will be around for a while.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

This was a great announcement after 5 years of retirement Jerry Rice will be inducted into the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio my Grandfathers hometown this year. What a accomplishment and well deserved. I loved watching him play while I was growing up and he was such an amazing and wonderful man to watch play.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Storm Update

Well it stopped snowing at 5:30 pm and they say that it has passed now. The final total of snow for us is 33 inches but looks higher in some places because of the wind that caused drifts. We are suppost to get some more snow at some point on Tuesday but hopefully not to much more. We will not be having church tomorrow. I just hope that they can get the roads cleared tonight and tomorrow because I have some important appointments this week that I don't want to miss them or have to reschedule. I will put some more pictures up tomorrow and look forward to tomorrow nights Superbowl and homemade chili. Let's go Colts.

Storm of the Century

Well here is an update for you guys on what they are calling "the storm of the century". It is almost completely white outside. We have about 2 ft and more in some places where is has drifted because its really windy. It is 2:12 pm and its still snowing. It's suppost to stop at 10 pm tonight. Jason just got called into work and it took us about 30 minutes to find his car, we cant even find the sidewalk to our house. As soon as you get something cleared up its covered again in a matter of minutes. Brooke did like the snow a lot better this time. Here are some pictures that I took.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Well we got some snow last Friday and Saturday about 6 inches. Then we got more snow Tuesday night about 6 more inches but that melted quickly the next day. I took some pictures to show because it was beautiful on the trees. Now we are gearing up for what they are calling the " Storm of the Century". We are suppost to get anywhere from 16- 28 inches. We shall see. It started here at around 10:30 am and is suppost to go till Saturday night at 10pm. Who knows, all we can do is wait and see. I will keep you all updated.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Booster Seat

When did my little baby turn into a big girl. Hard to believe she will be two in March. Friday night Jason took us to Fuddruckers and Brooke sat in a booster seat for the first time and I took these pictures. She did such a good job.