Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Brooke on her Tricycle

This afternoon we took advantage of the nice spring weather. We went for a walk, Brooke rode her Tricycle for the first time and did well and we sat in our chairs and played with Bubbles.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Egg Hunts

Brooke and I went to three Easter Egg hunts yesterday. The first one we went to was at Bolling and Jason got to join us. Brooke got 15 eggs at that one. The we went to one at the Andrew's Youth center and she got 16 there. The last one was at the Andrew's BX and she got 9 there. She did it all by herself and was so proud. She would say hello and goodbye to the Easter bunny but wouldnt get her picture with him. After all that we went to our friends house and dyed eggs and had dinner.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

This past Sunday the weather was beautiful again which was fitting since it was the first weekend of spring for the year. We went to church and then went to a housing event with some friends. After the event we took advantage of the nice weather and walked Daddy his dinner. It was a nice walk.

Enjoying the Sunshine

Last Friday we took my car in for an oil change and enjoyed a walk as a family and went and had breakfast at ipod. It was nice to enjoy the nice weather and not have so many layers of clothes on.

Bubble, Bubble

Well Brooke had a gift certificate to Toys R us so I took her last week and let her pick out what she wanted. She picked a hippo that's a bubble catcher and a dvd. Since the weather has been so nice we have been out a few times to play with bubbles. You forget how fun they are until you starting using them again with your kids. I dont know who had more fun me or Brooke. Here are a few pictures of her with her new toy.

Friday, March 19, 2010

2 Year Well Baby

Well Brooke had her 2 year check up today and did great. She weighted 24 pounds which is the 15% and was 35 inches which is the 78%. She has reached all the 2 and 3 year old milestone and the doctor said her vocabulary is very advanced. She was good about letting the doctor check her out. I thought she needed shots but the doctor said except for the yearly flu shot she wont need anymore till she is 4 years old which is great. After the doctor we went and enjoyed the 75 degree weather by going to the park and blowing bubbles which she loves.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

36 week and not much more to go

Well I am 36 1/2 week and things are going okay. Baby is doing well. I am still having to go for fetal monitoring twice a week which is draining but I dont have a choice. The medicine has been making me hyogycemic so we are dealing with that. I go for an ultrasound on the 23rd to see how much she weights but they thinks she is small. I tested negitive for group b strep this time thank goodness and the fluid around her is good. She is also head down. They will be inducing me on the 5th of April unless she comes before that. I doctor is also impressed that I have only gained 15 pounds.

Happy St Patrick's Day

Brooke had a cute outfit for St. Patrick's Day so I wanted to share the pictures. We had a nice irish breakfast and dinner and enjoyed a nice day with spring like weather.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More birthday pictures

Happy Birthday Brooke

We were thankful that she wasn't sick on her birthday since we spent Monday night at the ER because she had the stomach bug. Luckily hers didn't last the full 24 hours but wasn't fun none the less. We spend a nice day together. She opened her presents in the morning and then we took her cake to practice and enjoyed it after. She loved all her presents and her cake. She had a great 2nd birthday. Thank you to everyone who thought of her.

Pretty Ponytail

Brooke's hair is just getting long enough in the back to do some stuff with it. We tried a ponytail for the first time the other day. It stayed in pretty good. She doesnt quite have enough in the front to get her bangs in it but that's okay. Her hair is thin like Mommy's but she liked the ponytail cause she told Daddy it was like Mommy's.Here are the pictures that we took.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brooke's Birthday Party

We had Brooke's birthday party today even though her birthday isnt till Wednesday. We only had 3 kids but Brooke had fun and thats all that matters. Hard to believe it's almost been 2 years since she was born. Where did the time go?

Daddy's New Uniforms

Brooke decided to try out Daddy's new uniforms and we thought it was really cute. She loves wearing the hat. Enjoy the pictures. Maybe be have a future Navy girl.