Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day weekend

Well today at church we all wore our Memorial Day outfits. Brooke loved her dress and Peyton wore the outfit that Brooke wore her 1st Memorial Day. We want to take this time to thank everyone who has and is serving our country. God Bless you all.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sisterly Love

I have to admit that we were nervous about how Brooke would react to the new baby but couldn't be happier. She is such a big help and loves her sister very much.

Picture Perfect

These are a few pictures that I took on Sunday before church and I wanted to share them. The last picture was Brooke's outfit choice because lately she likes to pick out her own clothes which is a good thing. We want her and allow her to make some choices.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family Picture time

Of course with Brooke turning two and a new addition to our family it was time for a new family picture and pictures of the girls. I wanted to share some. We went to JCP and they did a great job as always. As soon as we get them back we will be mailing them out. Enjoy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Air Show

Jason was able to get Sunday off and we went to church and then the air show with a friend and her daughter. It was a nice time and we definetly got our exercise walking there and back.

Visit from Grandpa

My Dad was able to make it up this weekend and spend some time with us and meet Peyton. It was very nice to see him and we enjoyed the visit.

Marine Corp Museum

While my Mom and sister were here we drove down to Quantico and checked out the Marine Corp museum because I have been meaning to go because they have stuff on my Grandfather. It is a very nice museum and it's worth checking out. Here are some of the pictures that we took.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Peyton's Baby Dedication

Today was Mother's Day and we also did Peyton's baby dedication. It was very special for many reasons. One because my mother and sister are visiting and this is the first Mother's day I have spent with my mom in four years. Also because we did Brooke's baby dedication two years ago on Mother's Day which happened to eb my first Mother's day. Jason was able to get the day of which was nice. Here are some of the pictures that we took. I hope all the mother's out there had a great Mother's Day.

National Train Day

Saturday was National Train Day so we went to the DC train station and participated in the free events with a friend and her daughter. It was a little crowded but the girls had a great time. Here are some of the pictures that I took.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Peyton At 1 month old

Yesterday on Cinco de Mayo Peyton was a month old. She is doing well. She has been sleeping thru the night for two weeks now. She still has the trush and the doctor thinks that's why she hasn't gained weight. But she is doing well otherwise. She has great head control, responds to voices and smiles at us.

USO Sesame Street show

We had family pictures done this morning and then I took the girls to a USO sesame street show. I wasnt sure how Brooke would like it but she clapped, sang and danced the whole time. We are just glad that she is starting to feel like herself again.