Monday, June 28, 2010

Pool fun

I took Brooke and Peyton to the pool with a friend on Saturday. It was very nice because for a while Brooke had the pool to herself and then there were just two other kids there. Ever since she started her swim lesson she is getting great in the water. Peyton loves to be dipped in as well. Peyton's hair curls when it gets wet. Here are the pictures that we took.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Father's Day

Here are the pictures that we took on Father's Day. Jason had to work but we went to church, gave him his presents and had a nice beef brisket dinner he picked up while he was working. We had taken him to Olive Garden Tuesday when we was off cause that's where he wanted to go.

Swinging around

Here are some pictures of Peyton in her swing which she loves and on her playmat.

Christening Gown

Here are some pictures I forgot to upload the day of the Peyton's Baby Dedication. Thsi was the same gown that Brooke wore when she was dedicated and we intent to pass it down in our family now.

Red Sox Baby

I had to share these pictures of Peyton in the Red Sox outfit that I made her.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ice Skating

I took Brooke to the ice rink the other day where a friend of our works and it was her first time. We had her get used to the skates and she needed to help walking. She went on the ice for a little while but will go back with Daddy. She is a natural just like him.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our girls

Here are some pictures we took today before church.

Big girl

Brooke is getting to be such a big girl and is a big help around the house. Here are some recent pictures of her.

2 Months well baby check up

Peyton had ger two month well baby check up on Friday. She is 10 pounds 9 oz ( 26%) and 23 1/4 inches long (66 %). As you can see she is very tall and skinny like Brooke was. She still has thrush so we are ordering a new medication and has a little rash on her neck because of the trush which we are treating with a cream. The doctor said she is meeting all of her milestones and more. She did have to get three shots but handled it like a pro. Here are some recent pictures of her.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pool pictures

Here are some pictures that we took today at the pool.

Summer loving

Here are some pictures that we took Sunday after church.