Thursday, July 29, 2010

Andrew's Family Picnic

Andrews Air force base had a pinic last Friday and I took the girls. It was hot but we enjoyed some food, booths and meeting some of the Redskin Cheerleaders.


So we have been working on transitioning Brooke to a bew big girl bed. We tried her toddler bed with rails but that didnt work. So a friend of ours gave us a queen bed for us so we gave Brooke our full bed and put the bed rails on it. She spent quite a few nights sleeping on our floor before that. Now she wont go to bed now unless Daddy lays with her till she falls asleep.

Random Shots

Here are some pictures that I have taken recently that I havent shared. Thought you would enjoy seeing them.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer BBQ's

We went to a bbq last Sunday at the Chaplin's house and here are some pictures I took.

Mommy's Make up

Brooke loves putting on make up when I do so I always give her a brush I dont use. Here she is doing it last weekend. Apparently she thought she needed all over coverage. Here's a picture of Peyton watching Brooke.

Lady A and Tim Mcgraw Concert

Last Saturday I went to the Lady Antbellum and Tim Mcgraw concert. It was great. Jason bought me a ticket but was unable to go and a great friend watched the girls for me. I had great seats and had a great time. You cant tell by the pictures but I was very close.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3 month old Peyton

Peyton just turned 3 months old on Monday. She is cooing up a storm and a very happy baby. Here hair gets very curly when it is wet. She still weighs 10 pounds and is doing very well. Here are some pictures of her curly hair.

4th of July

Here are the pictures that we took on 4th of July. We had a nice time and Brooke loved the fireworks and sparklers. We were lucky to have grandma here visiting with us.

Reptile Show

We went to a reptile show that our housing put on and here are some of the pictures that I took. Brooke loves them all and touched them all. Jason voulenteered to help before he knew what he would be holding.