Friday, August 13, 2010

Peyton's 4 month check up

Peyton is finally over her broncholitis and had her 4 month check up this week. She weighted 12 pound ( 9 %) and was 24 inches long ( 19%). The doctor said she is doing great and has wonderful head control. She is meeting all of her milestones and is advcanced in a lot of them. Here are some pictures we took the other day. Dont know if you can tell but her hair is coming in blonde.

Watermelon Girl

Here are some more pictures of the carnival of Brooke eating watermelon. This is one of her favorite foods.

First Pony Ride

At the end of VBS on Sunday at church we had a closing ceremony and they had a carnival after. Brooke got to have her first pony ride. She didnt get the holding on part. Here are the pictures we took.

Vacation Bible School

Brooke had a great week at Vacation Bible School. Our theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch. She was in the PreK class and did great. I was in charge of food all week and Jason helped with food and the video stuff. Here are some of the pictures that I took.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Last Sunday

Here are some pictures I took last Sunday before church. We have all been sick for the past two weeks but had a great week of VBS this week. I will post pictures from that soon. We are hoping we are all better before our trip at the end of the week.