Thursday, September 23, 2010

Orioles Game

We went to the Orioles game with people for the church last week and had a great time. They were giving out free shirts and it was my first time at the stadium.

Tigers Game

While in Micgian we went to the Tigers game and it was mine and Brooke's first time at the stadium. When had a nice time and the Tigers won.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cousin Love

The last day we were there I took some pictures of the cousins. It was hard to get them to all cooperate but I did for a few pictures.

Family BBQ

The day before we left Michigan we had a family bbq and Jason's grandparent, Grandpa, Brother and family came over. It was a nice time.

Family dinner

Here are some picture I took before we went to a nice resturant. Jason wanted to match his girls and wear purple.

Peyton's Michigan Baby Dedication

On August 22nd we did another baby dedication for Peyton at Jason's church he grew up coming to. It was a very nice day.

Evan's birthday party

On that weekend after Evan had a Elmo party for family and friends. We had a really nice time and Brooke loved playing with Evan.

Evan's first birthday

We were lucky enough to be in town for our nephew Evan's first birthday. We had a small gathering at their house on his actaul birthday and here are some of the picture that I took.

Michigan Pool Fun

Brooke had a lot of fun swimming in Omi and Opa's pool with Daddy and Uncle Kevin. Here are some of the pictures that I got of that.