Sunday, October 31, 2010

Painting Pumpkins

We let Brooke paint the pumpkins that we got at the Fall Festival and she had a great time doing it.

Fall Festival

Our church had a fall festival the Sunday before Halloween and it was a lot of fun. Here are some of the pictures.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I happened to be in Rhode Island on our anniversary and took the girls to the windmill where we got married so that I could take some pictures. It was hard to beleive that 4 years earlier Jason and I stood in that spot getting married and how many things have happened and changed in 4 years. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Pumpkin Patch

On the way home one day we stopped at the pumpkin patch and apple orchard. Brooke had a fun time running around and I got some great pictures. She is so fast I think she may be a runner some day.


Brooke got to feed the ducks and swans while we were in Wickford and she loved that. Its a cute little town and we love walking around it especially this time of year.

The Big Chair

There is a big chair near Wickford and since we were going to be close to it we went and took pictures after having ice cream a my favorite place Inside Scoop. Brooke thought it was very cool.

Wrights Dairy Farm

My Mom had heard about a dairy farm not to far from her house so we knew Brooke would like that. They have a bakery and then a lot to learn about the cows. You were allowed to touch  some baby cows and see the cows getting milked. Brooke loved that.

The Big E

We went to a fair called The Bif E while there and I was excited because I loved going and this is the first time I have been back since I got married and moved. I knew that Brooke was at the perfect age to enjoy it and she sure did. We also got perfect weather for it.