Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day

The girls and I were sporting our green for St Patrick's Day. Peyton wore the dress that Brooke wore for her first St Patrick's day.


While my Mom was here we took Brooke bowling for the first time and she loved it. I am sure we will be going back in the future.


Brooke has gone to the dentist the last few times with me and let them look in her mouth but had never had them cleaned. This time she had them cleaned and even went first. She did a great job. She should have 20 teeth but had 19 1/2 which means one is still coming in but thats normal since she got her first tooth last.

First Haircut

Brooke had her first haircut last weekend. Just a trim but a big deal. She did great in the chair.

Botanical Gardens

While my Mom was here we also went to the botanical garden. This has always been one of my favorite places to go and I especially love the orchids.

Arlington Cemetary

The weekend after Brooke's birthday Grandma came down to see us and one day we went to Arlington Cemetary because we wanted to see if before we leave town. Its always a sad place to visit but a great place to see.

Grandpa's Visit

Grandpa was able to come down for a visit for a few days on Brooke's birthday. One of the days we stopped by National Harbor to check out a few things. That's one place we will miss.

Happy Birthday

So hard to believe that Brooke turned 3 years old on the 10th. Where did the time go? She is such a sweet girl with a strong willed personality. Here are some pictures from her birthday party.

Iwo Jima Memorial

One afternoon while in downtown DC we decided to stop at the Iwo Jimo Memorial to show the girls. This is one of my favorite memorials.