Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Its always nice when we can get the cousins together especially with my Sister in law and her family being stationed in Japan. My sister in law and her kids came to Michgian after what happened in Japan and spent about a month here. It was nice for the kids to get to play together and for us to get to meet our nephews. Here are some of the pictures I took of the kids.


We had a nice Easter with some really good weather. We had a great time at church and then when to Jason's Oma and Opa's house to see all the family. Its nice to get together with everyone and the kids enjoyed playing outside for a bit.


Time for an update on the girls. Brooke is doing well. She is 30 pounds and 40 inches. She is quite tall for her age. She knows her ABCS, can count pretty high, read a little and is interested in anything. Her latest interests are Dora, singing and helping Mommy with everything, which is nice. Peyton is 19 pounds and 28 inches. She is also tall for her age. She is saying new words everyday and is almost walking on her own. She also loves everything. Here are a few recent pictures.

Happy 1st Birthday

Peyton turned 1 shortly after we arrived in Michigan. We didnt do anything big since we had just moved. We did cupcakes on her Birthday and a cake the weekend after. We feel so blessed to have her in our lives and its hard to believe that she is one already.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cherry Blossoms

Right before we left DC my sister was able to come down and the Cherry Blossom festival was going on. I will surely miss that beautiful event every year. Here are some of the many pictures that I took.