Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

We had a very nice Father's Day. We went to church and then to Jason's parents to see everyone. It's always nice to spent time with family. Brooke enjoyed golfing with the boys since she cant go in the pool right now because of her hives reaction to allergies last week. She loves the water so its hard to tell her she cant go in. I hope all the dads out there had a Happy Father's Day.

Sweet girls

There's nothing that we enjoy more then watching our girls grow up and are amazed at how much and how fast they learn. Brooke is a great big sister and a big helper. Brooke has a great imagination, loves dressing up, singing songs, reading books and so much more. We thought no one could be louder then Brooke but we were wrong, Peyton is quite loud. She loves getting peoples attention, she says hello as soon as someone comes in the room, she is walking pretty good and learning new words. He favorite words right now are hi, no, milk, yum and stop which she tells Brooke a lot. She is picking up sign language which we did with Brooke too. They are both quite tall, in the 97 percentile. Here are a few recent pictures I took of them.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day we went to a bbq at Jason's parents house and got to see his grandparents. We had a very nice time. Brooke was proud of the cupcakes she decorated with me.

Camo Dresses

Memorial Day weekend the girls wore Camo dresses that a friend made for them. Brooke loved wearing what Daddy wears to work. Jason also wore his uniform because he read the Sailors creed during the church service. Dont mind Brooke's face, it looks worse then it is. The night before she tripped and fell into her bedframe but she is okay.

Mother's Day

We had a very nice Mother's Day. We went to church and then I was treated to a nice meal at Olive Garden. I was also given a beautiful white Orchid from Jason and the girls.

Cinco De Mayo

We decided to get dressed up and go out to a Mexican resturant for Cinco de Mayo. But when we got to them they were to crowded so we had Italian instead. But the girls enjoyed getting dressed up.