Friday, July 29, 2011

Who's Who

Here is a picture of Peyton and Brooke at the same age in the tub. Can you tell who's who?


Brooke is doing well. We have been working on her workbooks so she's going great on ABC's, songs, can count in english and spanish. She loves Dora and has a very creative imagination. She loves dress up, reading, helping me in the kitchen and so much more. Here are some recent pictures of her.

15 months old

Peyton is learning new words and things everyday. One of her favorites is telling Brooke to stop is, cant say that I blame her since Brooke seems to always be in her face or telling her what to do and not do. I had to take Peyton for her 15 month check up. I was suprised to find out that she had gained a pound but grew 4 inches. Looks like she will be tall like her sister and they get that from my side of the family. It's funny how shes been the same height and weight Brooke was at the same ages except for Peyton has bigger feet, oh no hope she's not like her Mom. Here are some recent picture of her.

July 4th

We had a very nice 4th of July. We had a bbq at Jason's parents house and then did some sparklers with the girls. Brooke enjoyed doing them and we let her hold it herself while supervising. We saw lots of fireworks for a few nights because all around our neighborhood and with neighbors they were going off.