Monday, September 12, 2011

Never Forgotten

Hard to believe its been 10 years since 9/11. I truly is a day that I will never forget and no American ever should. Me and my girls wore red, white and blue yesterday to show we remember. I wanted to share pictures of the girls dresses.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Outdoor Fun

Brooke  was pushing Peyton in the toy car the other day. They were having a lot of fun. They both love cars, they get this from Daddy.

Friends visit

One of Jason's friend Amanda and her family stopped by to visit while they were in Michigan before their move to Cali. They are both in the miltary. Their oldest son Kai and Peyton are about 3 weeks apart in age.

My Horse

Peyton got a horse that she can ride on for her birthday and has just started loving it. The funny thing is we think she thinks its a car because when she gets on it she makes car nosies. Here are some pictures I took of her on it.