Monday, October 31, 2011

Blake's Cider Mill

One Friday in October we took the girls to Blake's Cider Mill. It was cold and windy but we dressed warm and had a lot of fun. They had a petting zoo, pumpkin patches, a train, haunted houses, corn maze and a lot more. They girls had a lot of fun. Peyton really enjoyed the pumpkins and kept trying to pick them up and she is quite strong.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

5 Year Anniversary

Jason and I celebrated out 5 year anniversary this past Friday. We had a nice dinner at Olive Garden, went to a Newsboy concert at our church and then I went and watched him play hockey. We had a very nice night. Hard to believe its been 5 years. It sure did go by fast.

18 month check up

Peyton had she 18 month check up yesterday and is doing well besides being sick. She is 23 pounds and 33 inches tall. She is saying so many needs words and putting sentences together. Her favorite question is what's that?, she loves to cuddle, loves music and so much more.

Grandpa's visit

We were lucky enough to have a visit from my Dad while he was on a layover. We went to the zoo, played outside since the weather was so nice and got to go see Jason play hockey since he had an early game.

Detroit Zoo

We recently got a zoo membership and wanted to take advantage of the nice weather before winter comes. We got to feed the giraffes and Brooke loved that. I wish I had gotten a good picture of that but I didnt. Both the girls love animals so its such as fun outing to do. They also have a lot of new exhibits so that always nice. We are just sad they dont have elephants.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jason's Birthday

We had a nice day celebrating Jason's 29th birthday. We got him a Red Wing cake and had a nice dinner. Brooke enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Daddy. We also went and watching him play softball.

Detroit Zoo

We have been loving the fall weather this September and decided to check out the zoo with some friends before the winter comes. Brooke really enjoyed feeding the animals and Peyton loves seeing the animals. We will have to check out the zoo a few more times before the weather gets to cold.

Church Picnic

A few weeks ago we stayed after church for the annual church picnic. They had some good food, face painting, games and stuff for the kids and adults. Brooke got her face painted like a butterfly. We had really nice weather for the day and enjoyed ourselves.