Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Parties

Jason had his reserve weekend this past weekend and Saturday we went to his work pot luck and Sunday we went to the big base party. They were both very nice. I took a few pictures while there.

Santa Clause Pictures

I took the girls to see Santa at the Somerset mall and it was a nice set up. I was worried about how Peyton would do but she loved Santa and I got some very cute pictures.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chuck E Cheese

We were invited to a birthday party from one of the kids in Brooke's Sunday school class at church. It was our first time taking the girls there and they loved it. Brooke really liked seeing Chuck E.

Dinner with Dora

Brooke loves everything Dora. There is a mexican resturant not far from our house that has different characters there every other week and this was the first time that Dora was there and we didnt have something else going on so we took the girls. Brooke loved it and Peyton liked Dora from a distance. Also the food was good.

Happy Thanksgiving

This being our first Thanksgiving living in Michigan we spent it at Jason's parents house and his Oma and Opa and Grandpa were there. We had a nice day and as always enjoyed the Thanksgiving meal which is my favorite.

Yates Cider Mill

One Saturday we went to Yates Cider Mill and then went and walked around the park across the street where they have a waterfall. It was really nice and Brooke rode a pony.