Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

This was a special Thanksgiving because it was our first Thanksgiving as a family of five. We did miss our family that we couldnt spend it with. But we had a nice time with Jason's family that we got to spend it with.

Blake's Photo Shoot

I saw an idea online for some photos of Blake for while Jason was wearing his uniform. So when Jason got home from his last reserve weekend I took the opportunity to get the pictures. I am very happy with how they came out.

Veteran's Day

We celebrated Veteran's Day by taking Jason out to a few of the meals that resturants were doing for Veteran's. It's so nice that people do that for Veteran's to let them know that they are appriciated.

Happy Halloween

We were happy that the kids got to Trick or Treat with their cousins this year. Unfotunetly it was cold and rainy this year. But the kids had a great time and got alot of candy.

Trunk or Treat

Every year are church does Trunk or Treat and for the second year in a row we decorated. It was a very cold and windy day.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy 6th Anniversary

October 14th Jason and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary.We didnt really get to celebrate because of our busy schedules but we did go to a family wedding without the kids the night before.  I had someone take a picture of us since we dont get that many pictures of the two of us together.

Playground Fun

We took advantage of the fall weather and met some friends at Dodge Park. The girls love to play with their friends and they get worn out playing outside and take really good naps after getting that energy out.

2 Months Old

Hard to believe that Blake is 2 months old. I took him for his check up and he was 9lbs 8ozs (2%) and 22 3/4( 25%) inches long. They change so much in the first couple of months. He smiles when we talk to him, talks back when you talk to him and he loves to snuggle. Every morning he loves to come into bed with Mommy and Daddy. He definetly gets lots of attention from his sister and they are very helpful. Here are a few pictures that I got in October. I cant believe how curly his hair gets when it is wet.

Yates Cider Mill

Our Mom's group took a tour of Yates Cider Mill and it was a lot of fun. We learned a lot and the kids had a lot of fun. The price of cider has really gone up because apple production is lower this year.