Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Merry Christmas

Brooke woke early on Christmas morning excited but was good and waited for everyone else to wake up. Both the girls were excited to open presents though after a while Peyton just wanted someone to do it with her. Brooke got the telescope she asked for along with a tent and sleeping bag. She was really excited about that. Peyton got some educational stuff and a water table which will be fun this summer. We also got a wagon and cant wait to play with that and take it to the zoo when the weather gets warm again.

Christmas Eve

We got dressed up Christmas Eve and headed to church. It was a nice service and then we went home and had a nice family dinner and some football. After the girls went to bed we put the presents out and filled the stockings.

Decorating Cookies

As a child my Mom always made sugar cookies and then we would decorate them. My Mom wanted to do this with Brooke this year and she loved it. She did a really good job and it's always fun to eat something that you make. On Christmas Eve she put a few out for Santa with some milk. That is something we always did as kids too. I love passing on traditions to my kids.

Rhode Island Trip

This year for Christmas we went to Rhode Island to spend it with my Mom and Sister. This was our first time spending Christmas with them. We were really lucky and had great weather while we were there and spent a lot of time outside. I took some pictures on one of the walks that we did. My girls always love being outside and love nature.