Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our New Addition

Jason and I got an unexpected surprise in December when we found out we are expecting another child in August. We will find out in a few weeks the sex of the baby. We look forward to adding this final addition to our family. Children are such a blessing. These pictures are from my 13 week ultrasound.

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope that everyone had a great Valentine's Day. We dressed up Sunday for church because the girls had a little party in their Sunday school class.

New Cousin

On Tuesday Feb 7th Jason's brother's family welcomed a new baby girls to their family, Kelsey Joy. We went and visited them at the hospital the day after and we were all very happy to welcome her. The girls love her and wanted to bring her home. Having a new addition is such a joy and we look forward to watching her grow.

Elmo Live

As part of a Christmas present Jason's parents got all of us tickets to Elmo Live at the Fox Theater. All of the kids had a nice time and the show was very cute.

Family Pictures 2012

Since Jason's sister and family are in town for a few months we wanted to get some family pictures taken since we all arent together very often. We got some really nice shots.