Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy 80th birthday Opa

On March 24th Jason's Opa celebrated his 80th birthday and we all went to brunch to celebrate. This day is also my grandmothers birthday but since she lived in Washington state I am not able to celebrate with her unfortunetly.We had a nice brunch and it's always nice to get together with family. We had an ice cream cake which was good but very sweet. I took a few pictures that I can share.

It's a boy

Though I am 20 weeks pregnant we went to the doctor on March 14th for my 18 week ultrasound and found out we will be welcoming a little boy in August. This will be a change for us since all we know is girls. I am sure with our girls he will feel like he has three Mommy's, poor little guy. Here are the pictures that the ultrasound technican gave us. It was nice that they let the girls come in and they could see their brother on the screen. Brooke really enjoyed this and keeps asking when the baby will be coming home.

Brooke's 4 year check up

Brooke had her 4 year check up the Tuesday after her birthday which was good timing since she seemed to be sick and needed to be checked. She was 41 3/4 inches ( 90 %) and 35.8 pounds (50%). This was no surprise since my girls have always been tall for their age. Though she is only 4 years old she is starting to need 5t dresses and bottoms because she is so tall. The doctor was very impressed with how advanced that is she is so many areas. She can write a few words, spell her name, names the months, count really high, add and subtract and so much more. I work with her at home since she doesnt go to school yet. She loves helping me in the kitchen and I am happy to have the help. She did have an ear infection that day so was not able to get her shots that she needs. Here are some recent pictures that I have taken of her.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We didn't go anywhere for St. Patrick's Day this year but that didn't stop us from getting dressed up and having a traditional Irish dinner of bangers with cabbage and mashed potatoes. The girls looked quite cute in their outfits and glasses. I don't have a lot of Irish in it but am happy to spread the little that I have.

Enjoying the Outdoors

We love that we have a nice yard and that its been nice enough to be outside. Hard to believe that we are wearing shorts and no coats in March. The girls love running around and playing with bubbles.

Zoo in March

Hard to believe that we have nice enough weather to be going to the zoo in March but am very thankful for being able to go outside and not be wearing all the heavy winter stuff. We took advantage of the nice day headed to the zoo and tried out the wagon that the girls got for Christmas.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Brooke

Hard to believe that Brooke is 4 years old. We had a party for her when Jason got home from her reserve weekend. Brooke had a great time. She had a tinkerbelle themed party. She is very into disney princesses right now. One of her new favorite things is having her finger nails and toe nails painted. It's amazing how much she has grown in the past year and really hard to belive that she is 4 years old now.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Congrats MA2

Jason was promoted on Feb 25th after passing his test in September. We were lucky enough to be able to go to his promotion ceremony and are very proud of him.

Happy 29th Birthday

Hard to believe I just celebrated my 29th birthday though I really dont care about the age in numbers. I was treated to a nice dinner at Red Lobster with Jason and the girls. I can rarely get Jason to go their since he's not a big fan so it's always a nice treat. Brooke of course had to wear a dress. She loves skirts and dresses these days.