Sunday, April 15, 2012

2 year check up

Peyton had her 2 year check up a few days after her birthday and did very well. She was 36 inches (96%) and 26 pounds (50%). I cant believe how talk she is compared to Brooke and they are 25 months apart. The doctor said that she is advanced in vocabulary and other things. She wants to be doing everything that big sister is doing.

Big Girl Bed

For Peyton's birthday my Grandmother got her a big girl bed. I was nervous about moving her to it because when we moved Brooke to one she had a hard time and stopped napping but we want her used to sleeping in it because the baby needs her crib and they will be sharing a room so we wanted her to see crib and bed in their. But much to our surprise she did very well. She loves having a double bed and sleeps well in their for naps and at bed time. I got a few pictures of her in their. This girl sleeps in the weridist positions. She is constantly moving. My Mom got her bedding for her birthday but I havent put in on yet.


We had a very nice Easter. We went to church and it was a lovely service. After church we went to Jason's parents house for a lunch and the rest of the family was there too. The girls loved opening their Easter baskets in the morning.

Dying Easter Eggs

On the Saturday before Easter I dyed Eggs with the girls. They really enjoyed doing it and then we could eat it them when they are done. Jason got a few pictures of us doing it.

Good Friday

Jason and I worked the nursery during the Good Friday service. It was a lot of fun. We did a craft, Bible lesson, snack, Easter egg hunt and then the kids watched the Easter Veggie Tale Movie. Jason got a few pictures when I was helping the kids do the Easter Egg hunt.

Happy 2nd Birthday Peyton

Our sweet Peyton turned 2 years old on April 5th. We had a small family gathering with her opening presents and having cake. Peyton and Brooke may look alike but are different in personality. Peyton is tough when she needs to be, sweet, my Mommy's girl who loves to be by my side. She's my meat eater, loves cheese and is starting to eat more fruits and veggies which I am happy about.