Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Girls Update

Brooke is doing very well. She will be starting ballet on June 19th for 6 weeks and Headstart preschool in the Fall 4 days a week. Where did the time go? Peyton is also doing very well. Her vocabulary has really grown as has her personality. She is now fully potty trained which we are glad happened before the baby comes. They are both really looking forward to their baby brother. I am sure he will feel like he has 3 mommies. Here are some recent pictures of the girls.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Feeding the giraffees

Our zoo does a thing May thru Oct where you can feed the giraffees. We did it for the first time last year and Brooke loved it so of course we knew when they started again we would have to do it. We did it a few weeks ago on one of our trips to the zoo with our friends.

Family Zoo Day

A few days after Jason got back from Cali we took a family trip to the zoo. It's nice because it's only 15 minutes from the house and have a membership. The nice thing is that we can also pack a picnic and take it in which safe money. It's always fun and good exercise. My girls love animals and especially the giraffes.

28 weeks

Even though I am now almost 32 weeks we did get an ultrasound when I was 28 weeks. Little man is doing well and is right now estimated at 3 pounds 1 oz. The last ultrasound picture is a 3d of his face and you can already tell that he looks like our girls. We are looking forward to meeting him Aug 10th when I get induced.

Memorial Day

The weekend after we got back was Memorial Day. We actually didnt do anything besides going to a Wedding Shower and Brunch because Jason was still in Cali doing his two week deployment for the Navy. Here are some of the pictures that I took.

RI Trip and Sisters Graduation

The weekend after Mother's Day the girls and I drove to RI to attend my sisters graduation. She graduated from Salve Regina with her Masters Degree. It was nice to see my mom and sister. We also got a special treat because my grandmother was in town from Washington State and she hadnt seen Brooke in a while and had never met Peyton. It's always nice to go to Newport since that's where Jason and I met.