Sunday, July 15, 2012


Since the zoo is only 15 minutes from our house and we have a membership we have been trying to go early before it gets to hot and spending a few hours there. Often times meeting friends and the girls love it.

Recent pictures

It has been a really hot summer already and I am looking forward to Fall because of this and it is my favorite season anyways. We are really enjoying are central air and it was well worth the money with how hot it has been. The girls have been enjoying their pool and when its to hot we play inside. Here are some recent pictures of the girls.

35 weeks

Now that I am at the end of my pregnancy I am having to go to fetal monitoring twice a week and ultrasounds once a week which isnt really fun because it takes up a lot of time. According to the latest ultrasound the baby is 5lbs 10oz and doing well. We cannot wait to meet him on Aug 10th which is the day that I get induced.

July 4th 2012

We had a nice July 4th which we spent at a bbq at Jason's parents house. His Aunt was in town with her family and the kids enjoyed playing together. It was hot but we got no rain. The girls enjoyed doing the sparkers and were worn out when we got home.