Monday, June 17, 2013

Spring Family Pictures

At the end of May we did a family photo shoot outdoors. I love outdoor shoots, there so personal. it did happen to be freezing that day so we had to change what we were planning on wearing but we did get some great shots. Here are a few of my favorites.


A robin built a nest in the light under our garage and laid 4 eggs. We got to watch them go from eggs to babies birds. After they hatched it was less than 3 weeks till they all flew away. It was a great process for the girls to watch and we learned a lot about Robins during this time. The coolest thing was they hatched on Mother's Day.
 This is one of the pictures I got of one of the baby birds hanging out waiting for food.

Memorial Day

On Sunday Jason was part of the service at church. On Monday we had a bbq at our house. Unfortunately we were inside because the weather wasn't very good but we still had a nice time. I saw a photo idea online of a baby in a camo onsie and then his Dad's military boots so I decided to do that.

Mother's Day

I had a nice Mother's Day. I got some cards and orchids which I love. I have quite a lot of orchids in my house right now. Jason and the kids took me to Red Lobster on Monday after to celebrate. The girls love going with Daddy to pick me out their cards for me. They also decorated me a cake, they were so proud.


The weather has finally been nice enough to go to the zoo and the girls love going there. They have made a lot of updates to the zoo. The girls love the new bridge to walk over and see the ducks and swans. Here's a few pictures I took the last couple of times that we went.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bubble time

The weather is finally starting to get nice after a really long winter. One day when it was nice outside we took the bubbles out and had some fun.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

3 year check up

A week after Peyton's birthday I took her for her 3 year check up. She was 31 (50%) pounds and 40 1/2 (98%) inches tall. She is not far off from Brooke and they are 25 months apart. She has been potty trained for a year now, she can write her name and do her numbers and abc's. Peyton is very funny, compassionate, sweet, silly and many other things. She recently learned to whistle and is very good at it. Brooke's a little jealous she cant do it. She's now trying to learn to snap. When she wants to learn something she doesn't get frustrated. She just works and works until she gets it. I think that's a great quality to have. Here are some recent pictures of her.

Happy 3rd Birthday Peyton

Our poor sweet Peyton was sick the day before her birthday and wasn't quite back to herself for her party and then got sick again the day after. But she did enjoy her Minnie party. Minnie is one of her favorite people and she has a lot of Minnie stuff. Hard to believe our silly Peyton is 3 years old. God sure has blessed us with this sweet little girl.


There is nothing better as a Christian then knowing Easter has come and that Jesus has Risen. Jason and I worked Nursery that Sunday as it was our weekend to do it. We always do the color scheme of purple for Easter because it is the color of Resurrection. It was also Jason's Mom's Birthday that day. We went to church and then afterwards went to Jason's Parents to eat. We celebrated with Jason's Oma and Opa, Grandpa, his parents, his Brother and his family. We did a egg hunt for the kids which was fun.

Easter Eggs

One of my favorite things that I did when I was a kid was coloring hard boiled eggs with my Mom and that is something that I have continued to do with my kids and we have a lot of fun. I took some pictures of their pretty eggs.

Good Friday for Kids

Every year we have a service for Good Friday and we do an event called Good Friday for kids. This year Jason and I were in charge of Nursery for it. We do a egg hunt for the kids back there and other stuff. It's a very fun event. This was also the first year the Brooke was able to go with the older kids and being away from us. She had a lot of fun which was great.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day Jason and Brooke were sick so they stayed home with Blake and Peyton and I went to church. Then we had are normal dinner. We had brats, cabbage and mashed potatoes. We also had special cupcakes that Peyton picked out when we stopped at the grocery store on the way home.