Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We had a nice morning of opening presents and having pancakes. Then we just had a lazy day enjoying time with my Mom and playing with presents that we got. The girls got some really nice toys and things and enjoyed it all. We had a very nice day and it's our favorite way to spend Christmas.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we went to church service and then went to Jason's parents house for dinner and opening presents. We did get some unexpected snow on Christmas Eve and a lot of the days to follow.

Decorating cookies

We did our tradition of decorating Christmas cookies for Santa with my Mom who was is town to visit. The girls love doing and love having grandma around. We left the cookies out for Santa with some milk on Christmas Eve.

Family Pictures 2012

We neeed to get some family pictures done since we had not done pictures since we had Blake and to use for our Christmas cards. The kids did really well which can be really hard sometimes when you have more then one child. They came out really nice and we are happy with them.

Christmas crafts

We had a fun day of decorating Christmas ornaments to give as gifts with some of our friends. The kids love doing crafts and we did a few fun ones that we had found online.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

O Christmas Tree

The girls and I had fun decorating the house for Christmas. Last year we had not decorated since we had not been home from Christmas so it was nice to see our decorations again but it is alot of work. We didnt put all the decorations out because our house is smaller then before but we did enjoy picking which ones to put out.