Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby Love

Brooke got a few babies and a stroller, high chair and playpen for her baby's. She loves taking care of them and today I got pictures of her pushing her baby in the stroller. She took her baby and her purse with her to church. She looked so proud walking in with them both.

21 months and still growing

Just wanted to give you all an update on Brooke. She is now 21 months and is learning more and more everyday. She loves learning new words and will repeat everything that you say. She is doing really well with associating names and faces these days. Jason calls me honey sometimes and now Brooke does to. She is growing like a weed. She is 33 1/2 inches and 23 pounds. She is currently making the transition from 18 to 24 months clothes mostly pants because she is so talk. She loves all food but has been loving cheese, broccoli and fruit lately. But she will try anything and will eat her food and then yours. She is very polite and says please and thank you. She is still doing well with her sign language. Like her Daddy she loves cars and loves music like her Mommy. She has 12 teeth now and loves showing them off.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Christmas pics

As you can see after we were done opening presents Brooke was so tired she laid down with her cup of milk and put her baby's blanket on to cover up. We were very blessed this year and want to thank our family and friends who sent us stuff.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. Jason had to work Christmas Eve evening so Brooke and I went to the church service. Christmas morning we opened presents while the food was cooking. We had a lunch instead of dinner because Jason has to work tonight to. Brooke did pretty well opening her presents but about half way thru it she got overwhelmed. It's a joy to see the light on your child's face when they open there presents and she really enjoyed her stocking. I can't wait till next year when we have two little ones. Here are some of the pictures that we took.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Party

Last night we went to a Christmas party at the Chapin's house. It was a party for all the people that serve at the church and since we do the nursery we were invited. We had a great time and Brooke fell in love with theit dog Stella. Jason and Brooke put the sprinkles on the cupcakes I made.

More blizzard pictures...........

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blizzard 2009

Well it started snowing Friday night at 8:30 pm and right now it's 11:28 am on Saturday and it's still snowing. It's suppost to snow until about 6 pm tonight and we are suppost to get up to 24 inches. This is something we aren't used to having been in Cuba for so long. Brooke loves to look out the window and tell us that it's snowing. We decided to take her out into it to play but she didn't last long because she didn't like it. Here are the pictures that I got before we came in.

Friday, December 18, 2009

More pics

National and States Christmas trees

One Wednesday night after a long day since Jason was off we decided to go downtown DC and see the National Christmas tree and they have 56 other decorated trees, a tree for every states and US Territory. The also had trains around the National Tree, a fire pit and Santa's workshop. We asked Brooke if she wanted her picture with Santa and she said yes but it was a different store when we got in there and close to him. The picture didnt come out very well. It was fun to do as a  family and its something that I did as a child with my family when we lived here.