Sunday, December 27, 2009

21 months and still growing

Just wanted to give you all an update on Brooke. She is now 21 months and is learning more and more everyday. She loves learning new words and will repeat everything that you say. She is doing really well with associating names and faces these days. Jason calls me honey sometimes and now Brooke does to. She is growing like a weed. She is 33 1/2 inches and 23 pounds. She is currently making the transition from 18 to 24 months clothes mostly pants because she is so talk. She loves all food but has been loving cheese, broccoli and fruit lately. But she will try anything and will eat her food and then yours. She is very polite and says please and thank you. She is still doing well with her sign language. Like her Daddy she loves cars and loves music like her Mommy. She has 12 teeth now and loves showing them off.

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