Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Cup Battle

Well this has been a tough week for me. Since Brooke will be 13 months tomorrow I thought it was time for no more bottle as the doctor had suggested. I didn't do it right when she turned 1 because we had just moved and I didn't want to throw to much at her at one time. But this week I decided to go at this. I thought that it would be a piece of cake because she has taken to everything else do quickly and had no problem giving up her pacifier cold turkey. Boy was I wrong. We have tried at leave 5-6 different types of cups and nothing seems to be working. Several people have told me give her the cup and nothing else and eventually she will give in and drink from it. Well they were wrong. She doesn't drink from it, hands it back to me and starts crying and while she is crying the whole time saying baba which makes me feel like a horrible mother and I am depriving her. Last night though she did drink from it so when she does I have been rewarding her with fruit treats. But this morning she work up and wouldn't take it. It took her over 3 hours to drink it which is very unlike her. I am still trying ever hard but will be happy when she just takes it and we are done with all of this. If anyone has any advice feel free to email me.

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