Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ready for Church

I think that Fall is in the air. Today it was raining again and a little chilly so Brooke got to wear one of her new Fall dresses to church and I decided that it was cold enough for me to put tights on her. I thought she looked so cute in this dress.

Brooke the book worm

Brooke loves readying books. Yesterday while I was getting some stuff done in my room Brooke was sitting in her pack n play in our room and reading her book, eating Cheerios and playing with her monkey.

Our Monkey Girl

For some reason we have always called Brooke monkey and she loves monkeys. As the weather is getting colder the time has come for footed pj's and I found some with monkey's on them and knew it was perfect. Brooke wore them for the first time the other day and I got some pictures. She loves the monkey on her toes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy 27th Birthday Jason

Jason's 27th birthday was Tuesday and I was happy that this was one of his first birthdays not working. He did whatever he wanted around the house. I made his eggs and waffles for Breakfast, he opened cards and presents. We took him to Hops for dinner and then we came home and had cake.

Bath time fun

Brooke was having a fun time in the bathtub the other night and I got these cute pictures.

Monday, September 21, 2009

11 weeks down..........29 to go

Well I went for my check up today and everything was going well. We got an ultrasound and heard the heartbeat. Baby is looking good and right on track. Other than the sinus infection I am doing well. We got a pretty good picture today and you can see the legs and stuff. I go back in 4 weeks for my next appointment.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Botanical Gardens

This past Monday Brooke and I went to the Botinical Gardens with My Mom and Grandma who were visiting. I loved the Orchids and it was very neat to visit. Here are some pictures.

Friday, September 11, 2009

18 Months and Counting

Brooke had her 18 month well baby check up today. She weighted 22 pounds and was 32 inches. She is in the 27th percentile for weight and 48th percentile for height. She is doing well and the Doctor said she is very advanced and has already reached 2 year old milestones. The doctor did hear a heart murmur so we will have to take her to a specialist to get that checked but they aren't supper concerned. We will pray that the appointment goes smoothly.

As today is 9/11 it's important to remember what happened and know that we will never forget. We are thankful for the police and firefighter that helped that day. As well as the past, present and future military members fighting and standing up for out freedom. We also remember the men and women who lost their lives that day. We will forever be changed by this event. God Bless everyone and the USA.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Fun.....

Well we really didn't do to much for Labor Day. Jason spent quite a few hours at the ER because his wrist was hurting and he didn't know what he did. Turned out to be Tendonidis. I did a lot of cleaning and organizing. Jason cooked some burgers and hot dogs to go along with the cucumber salad and macaroni salad that I made. Hope you all had a good day. Here are some pictures I took. Brooke is getting better with using the fork everyday.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mommy and Me

Jason took some pictures of Brooke and I right before we left for the playdate and she was tickling me and give me love pats. Not the best pictures of me but I thought I would share anyways.

Daddy Time

Last Monday while I was getting Brooke ready for a playdate she was having some Daddy time on the bed while he got her dresses. After he was done brushing her hair she brushed his and wrestled him and then he wrestled with her.

Sign Language

When I have been teaching Brooke sign language since she was 6 months old and she knows quite a bit. The other day I got a picture of her telling us more and then she wanted to show me where her body parts were on her face so I got some pictures of that to.

Playing with Her Baby

Brooke found my old cabbage patch doll from when I was a baby and she has been playing with it. She gives it hugs, kisses and touches it and says "ni" which means nice. Its very sweet and I got some pictures of her doing it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tigers Outfit

Brooke got this Tigers outfit from her Oma and Opa when we were in Michigan and I have been meaning to put these pictures up. But Brooke is actually a Red Sox fan like her Mommy.

Sick Girl

Well Brooke was very sick for a few days last week. It started off with a mild fever and then she got some spots but they thankfully went away a few days later. It was very hard because she was waking up a lot during the night and didnt want to be put down or held. I took a few pictures I thought I would share.