Friday, September 11, 2009

18 Months and Counting

Brooke had her 18 month well baby check up today. She weighted 22 pounds and was 32 inches. She is in the 27th percentile for weight and 48th percentile for height. She is doing well and the Doctor said she is very advanced and has already reached 2 year old milestones. The doctor did hear a heart murmur so we will have to take her to a specialist to get that checked but they aren't supper concerned. We will pray that the appointment goes smoothly.

As today is 9/11 it's important to remember what happened and know that we will never forget. We are thankful for the police and firefighter that helped that day. As well as the past, present and future military members fighting and standing up for out freedom. We also remember the men and women who lost their lives that day. We will forever be changed by this event. God Bless everyone and the USA.

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