Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Brooke

Brooke turned 5 on Sunday March 10th. It's so hard to believe that she is 5 years old and will be starting school in Sept which she is super excited about. When I went in to tell her Happy Birthday in the morning the first thing she asked me is was it time for her to go to Kindergarten. 5 years ago God Blessed us with such a special gift when he gave us Brooke. She is smart, sweet, caring, she has such a heart for the Lord, she's helpful, a great big sister and so much more. We love you sweet girl.

Since Brooke's birthday fell on a Sunday she helped me make cupcake and we took them to her Sunday school class. It was Jason's reserve weekend so when he got home we took Brooke to dinner and we let her choose and she choose Logan's Roadhouse. We had a really nice time with her celebrating her birthday and she said she loved her birthday. We had great weather that day too, it was 66 degrees which was the warmest day we had all winter I believe so that was nice.

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